First Boost Traffic and Then Upgrade: Strategies for Successful Lead Generation in PTC
Learn about strategies used for successful lead generation in paid to click such as creating splash pages, lead magnets, and downline builders to attract referrals and generate leads to boost your network of direct referrals. Learn how to promote these sales assets in online marketing to generate passive income in PTC sites and faucets.

Creating a Winning Lead Generation Strategy in PTC

To create a successful lead generation strategy in PTC, you must first understand what lead generation is and why it is important to building a network of direct referrals to boost passive income through referral commissions in PTC.   Or, why it is so important to building a successful online business in affiliate marketing. The ability to generate leads or potential direct referrals (or potential customers in affiliate marketing) is the key to getting a constant supply of referrals and in turn, it is the key to generating passive income in paid to click sites.   By attracting potential customers and nurturing them (how to do this will explained further on) through marketing sales funnels and email marketing (for example), you can convert leads to direct referrals (leads to customers in affiliate marketing) and 'loyal followers' in PTC (or 'loyal customers' in affiliate marketing.)

As in affiliate marketing, the same determining factors for a successful lead generation strategy apply in paid to click which is itself a niche wherein the product your are promoting online is 'free membership plans' on various paid to click (PTC) and get paid to (GPT) sites and bitcoin faucets.  The first step is to identify your target audience by defining various aspects about your target audience.  Brainstorm about the interests, hobbies, social status, concerns, needs, pain points, age, locale and so on.  In short, you are brainstorming to create a profile of the ideal customer to target 'free membership plans to online earning platforms'.   This profile of the ideal people to target your product will help you to create 'effective' splash pages (or landing pages, it's the same thing) in order to effectively achieve the following objectives:  to capture their attention and peak their interest, to make a connection by grasping their need for this product or its usefulness to them, and to build a trust for them to click through to read more or become a direct referral ( or customer) using your link, or to bookmark the link for further consideration for joining in the near future.

Lead generation may be a familiar term in affiliate marketing, but the underlying concept and implementation can also be successfully applied in paid to click in order to get referrals to your programs and boost passive income.  Creating compelling and relevant content for your target audience, establishing credibility and building a trust is the 'lead generation process.'  The 'compelling' and 'useful' content of these digital 'sales assets' can be blog posts, videos, info-graphics, including splash or landing pages, video brands, video quizzes, and so forth. 

This all sounds like 'good old-fashioned' advertising'; and you're right.  How does 'good old-fashioned advertising' differ from 'lead generation'?  The answer to this question isn't as complicated as it sounds.  Lead generation is a form of advertising that uses 'enhanced marketing systems to promote' in online marketing.  These enhanced systems include 'marketing funnels' and 'email marketing' which in this age of high tech automation; marketing funnels and email marketing have become an automated process of lead generation.

In addition to this 'lead generation processing of compelling, target-audience oriented relevant and useful content' is the added bonus of creating 'lead magnets' to further convince people to provide their contact information which is used to re-target them if they don't click through the first time to become a direct referral (or customer) using email marketing campaigns. A lead magnet is some kind of free offer or 'giveaway' such as an e-book or digital software. 

When visitors hits the 'call to action' to accept the free offer or giveaway, they are led to a "landing page or splash page" which contains all the features and benefits of the free offer or giveaway and a form to enter their contact information. Even if visitors don't join your program, you can still collect their contact information to build an emailing list for an email marketing campaign to re-target potential leads in the hope they will become a referral.  It's also a great way to start building a personal emailing list to target new income opportunities in the future.

You can apply these same strategies of presenting an offer with a 'call to action' that takes visitors to a 'landing or splash page' that details the features and benefits of the dedicated PTC site or faucet to which the free offer or giveaway can be applied.

The free offer or giveaway in PTC could be an incentive such as to pay for an upgrade; a monetary reward to be paid to the balance; a guide or e-book about a 'hot' money-making strategy and free resources; a giveaway of active direct referrals to be added to their downline; or a promise of free advertising to promote their link in your PTC Downline Builder.  The ideas for offering a free gift or giveaway are endless.

As in affiliate marketing, the landing page or splash page is very important to get direct referrals to your paid to click referral programs.  It should detail the key features, benefits, and earning potential; and it should include a strong 'call to action' to encourage visitors to join your downline.

Furthermore, diversifying your 'lead generation process' by processing the compelling and relevant content through a variety of digital marketing channels in order to expand the reach of your target audience, build your reputation as an expert (an Influence-r) and ultimately, to boost maximize your passive income earning potential.

Effective digital marketing channels that can also work for PTC include social media marketing by posting blogs and videos in social channels, article marketing by posting articles in reputable article submission sites, content marketing by posting reviews in reputable product review sites, forum marketing by participating in discussions and networking with like-minded individuals or providing answer to questions, solutions to problems, and so forth in reputable forums and communities. 

SEO optimization applied to the content creation such as the use of keywords, layout and design, header title tags, visual stimulates, alt image optimization, and so forth is also important for a successful lead generation strategy.  Most important of all is the SEO optimization to the overall successful lead generation of your business that results from creating 'high quality backlinks' to the 'reputable social and media channels' outline above.  These backlinks determine the Google Authority of your domain which translates to the 'reputation of your domain as a trustworthy site'.  Improving the authority translates to boosting visibility in the search engine result pages (the online marketplace.)

There are several more digital strategies you can discover and learn how to implement by researching on the internet.

The Lead Generation Process of creating content and the process of implementing this content is further addressed in the series of articles outline below.  The aim is to provide a guide to understanding the elements and criteria to help you advertise successfully in PTC.  Learn how to create basic 'marketing material' rather than just rely on the stock supply of banners and splash pages PTC sites and faucets offer alongside your referral link. 

How to Boost PTC Earnings with Effective Lead Generation Tactics
Maximize Conversions: How to Design Irresistible Splash Pages in PTC
The Role of PTC Downline Builders in Online Marketing

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